Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 173

As the Russia-Ukraine war enters its 173rd day, we take a look at the main developments.

Ukraine servicemen drive past a mural of a family on damaged buildings in Bakhmut [File: Reuters]

Here are the key events from Monday, August 15.



  • North Korean state media said Russian President Vladimir Putin told leader Kim Jong Un the two countries would expand “comprehensive and constructive” ties.

  • Any possible seizure of Russian assets by the United States will destroy Moscow’s bilateral relations with Washington, TASS quoted the head of the North American department at the Russian foreign ministry as saying on Saturday.


  • The UN-chartered ship Brave Commander will depart Ukraine for Ethiopia in the coming days after it finishes loading more than 23,000 metric tonnes of wheat in Pivdennyi, a UN official said. It will be the first humanitarian food aid cargo bound for Africa under the UN-brokered grains access deal.

  • The first ship to leave Ukraine under the deal two weeks ago was approaching the Syrian port of Tartous on Sunday, two shipping sources said, after the vessel had been sailing with its transponder off.

  • The first ship carrying Ukrainian wheat to be exported under the deal arrived in Istanbul on Sunday, the Joint Coordination Centre based in the Turkish city said.

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies
